our team

Our dedicated team is committed to excellence both in and out of the classroom.

The senior leadership team of Geneva School is dedicated to making your child’s education a priority. We seek to lead by example in our love of learning, our devotion to God, and our attention to the needs of each child.

Ms. Rim An Hinckley

Head of School

Ms. Tessa Tiemann

Assistant Head of School, Head of Preschool and Upper School

Ms. Maggi Beaulah

Finance Controller

Mr. Timothy Goodwin

Director of Operations and Programs

Ms. Sandy Kallen

Director of Admissions

Dr. John Lee

Provost, Upper School History, Greek, and Bible

Ms. Joanne Lu

Director of Communications

Mr. Matthew (Matt) Waldvogel

Head of Lower School

Our faculty are experienced and distinguished educators who, like their students, delight in learning. Moreover, they are committed Christians who understand the importance of nourishing the whole child not merely shaping the behavior of a child.

Ms. Shari Dunn

Junior Kindergarten Assistant

University of Washington - B.S., Psychology

Southeastern University - Master of Education

Mr. Glenn Gonzalez

Physical Education

Latin American Bible Institute - A.A. Theology

Madame Sarah Montagne


La Sorbonne University, Paris - B.A. French Literature

Ms. Adriana Kapfer

Junior Kindergarten Assistant

Pontificia Universidad Xaveriana - B.A.

Ms. Mariah Martin

Junior Kindergarten

Abilene Christian University  - B.A., Acting

Ms. Hanna Mitchell


Carnegie Mellon University - B.F.A. Drama

Madame Stephanie Popa


Baccalaureat Informatique; BEP Agent Administratif

CAP Secretaire

Ms. Amber Salladin


Wheaton College Conservatory of Music - B. M. E.

University of Southern California - M.M. Choral Conducting

Ms. Isabella Ward

Junior Kindergarten

Southeastern University - B.S., Ministerial Leadership

University of North Florida - M.S., Education (Fall 2024)

Ms. Anna Adams

Kindergarten Assistant

Fordham University - B.A. Art History

Ms. Naomi Budenholzer

Second Grade

Concordia University - B.A. Elementary Education

University of Missouri - M.A. Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology

Ms. Carey Bustard


The King's College - B.A.

Ms. Kaytie Eaton


Butler University - B.S., Theatre

City College of New York - M.A., Theatre Education

Southern Methodist University - M.F.A., Theatre Performance

Ms. Sydney Fitch

Third Grade

Covenant College- B.A., Elementary Education

Ms. Jeanette Fung

Fourth to Sixth Grade Latin

Wellesley College - B.A.

University of California, Los Angeles - M. Arch.

Ms. Meghan Gomillion


Auburn University - B.F.A. Graphic Design

Pratt Institute - M.A. Art and Design Education

Mr. Glenn Gonzalez

Physical Education

Latin American Bible Institute - A.A. Theology

Ms. Jayne Hastings

Fourth Grade

University of South Carolina - B.A.

Graduate studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Mr. Koby Jackson

Fifth Grade

The King's College - B.A.

Mr. Jeff Kallen

Third Grade

SUNY Binghamton — B.A., Psychology

Ms. Erin Kang


Parsons School of Design Paris - B.F.A.

Simpson University - M.A.

Ms. Katherine Kibbie

Fourth Grade

Wheaton College - B.A., Business and Economics

Ms. Madeleine Kirkpatrick

Fifth Grade

Evangel University - B.A., English

Missouri State University - MA in English

Ms. Samantha Krzyzewski

First Grade

Houghton College - B.A.

Gordon College - M.Ed.

Dr. Vicki Leung

First-Fifth Grade Science

University of Virginia - B.A.

Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - D.D.S.

Coach Thomas (Tom) Meyerson

Head of Physical Education

State University of New York at Cortland - B.S.

Madame Stephanie Popa


Baccalaureat Informatique; BEP Agent Administratif

CAP Secretaire

Ms. Katelyn Puryear

First Grade

Texas A&M University — B.A., Psychology

Ms. Hilary Ribbens

First Grade

University of California Los Angeles - B.A.

Ms. Amber Salladin


Wheaton College Conservatory of Music - B. M. E.

University of Southern California - M.M. Choral Conducting

Ms. Heather Slowik

Kindergarten Assistant

Cornell University - B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Cornell University - M.A. Business Administration

Ms. Claire Spencer


Dallas Baptist University — B.M., Music Education

Southern Methodist University — M.M., Vocal Performance

Ms. Danielle Wilson

Second Grade

Clarks Summit University - B.A.

East Stroudsburg University - M.A.

Ms. Christina Chong

Mathematics, Science

Cornell University — B.A., Chemistry (Biology minor)

New York University — M.A., Teaching

Mr. Cole Donovan


University of Georgia - B.S., English Education

University of Chicago - M.A. Humanities with a Concentration in Medieval Studies

Columbia University - Ph.D. candidate, Philosophy and Education

Ms. Meghan Gomillion


Auburn University - B.F.A. Graphic Design

Pratt Institute - M.A. Art and Design Education

Mr. Timothy Goodwin


Dallas Baptist University - B.S.

Southeastern Theological Seminary - M.Div.

Mr. Greg Gunkle

History, Thesis, Logic

Liberty University - B.S.

Graduate studies in Philosophy, Theology, and Education at Westminster Theological Seminary and Lehigh University

Ms. Christina Hobbs

Upper School Dean, English

The College of William and Mary - B.A.

University of St. Andrews - MLitt in Medieval English

Relay Graduate School of Education - M.A. in Teaching

Dr. Fred Kim

Upper School Dean, Latin, Bible, Liberal Arts

University of Pennsylvania - B.A.

Westminster Theological Seminary - M.Div

Princeton Theological Seminary - Th.M.

Union Theological Seminary - Ph.D.

Mr. Stephen Kim


Harvard University - A.B. Sociology, minor in Economics

Relay Graduate School of Education - M.A. Art of Teaching

Mr. Timothy Kinnamon


Columbia University - B.A. Classics, Political Science

Ms. Janna Lee

Mathematics, Physical Education

Texas A&M University - B.S.

Dr. John Lee

Provost, History, Greek, Bible

Rutgers College - B.A.

Yale University - M.A.

Westminster Theological Seminary - M.A.

Bryn Mawr College - M.A.

Yale University - M. Phil., History

Yale University - Ph.D., Classical History

Mr. Peter Lee

Mathematics and Science Chair, Mathematics, Science

New York University - B.A.

Brooklyn College, City University of New York - M.A.

Dr. Meredith Long


University of Florida - B.S. Biochemistry

Duke University - Ph.D. Genetics; Program in Cell and Molecular Biology

Mr. Jason Manley

Science, Bible

Michigan State University - B.S., Chemistry

Biola University - M.A., Science and Religion

Coach Matt Mueller

Physical Education

Ozark Christian College - B.S.

Dr. Martha Pavao

Latin, Bible

University of Massachusetts, Amherst - B.A., Latin Education

University of Massachusetts, Amherst - M.A.T., Latin and Classical Humanities

University of Florida - Ph.D., Latin and Roman Studies

Ms. Gabriela Remache

Spanish, English

Manhattan College - B.A., International Studies and Political Science

Teachers College, Columbia University - M.A., International Education Curriculum Development: Language, Literacy, and Culture

Ms. Maggie Ryland

Greek, Latin, Logic

Hillsdale College - B.A., Classics

University of Notre Dame - M.A., Classics

Ms. Amber Salladin


Wheaton College Conservatory of Music - B. M. E.

University of Southern California - M.M. Choral Conducting

Mr. Phillip Shaw

Art History, History, Latin

Indiana Wesleyan University - B.S. Secondary Education

Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - M.A. Biblical Languages

Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - M.A. New Testament

The University of Chicago, The College - Ancient Greek (Attic)

University of Notre Dame - Graduate Studies in Classical Latin

New York University - Graduate Studies in Akkadian, Classical Hebrew

Ms. Rachael Waldvogel


Baylor University - B.A. Psychology

Duke University - B.S.N.

Mr. John Yang

Mathematics, Computer Science, College Advisor

Rice University - B.A. Psychology
Binghamton University - M.S. Systems Science

Our experienced staff is dedicated to making your child’s education a priority. From admissions to graduation, your trust, cooperation, and confidence in us are greatly valued. Feel free to call on us to assist you in any way.

Ms. Elaina Bals

Executive Assistant to Head of School

Mr. Aidan Claudio

Operations Associate

Ms. Lisa Gerstle

Office Administrator

Ms. Mallory Moser Inkles

Advancement Associate

Mr. Timothy Kinnamon

Business Analyst

Mr. Jason Lenderink

Admissions Associate

Ms. Diala Navarro

Operations Associate

Mr. William Romero


Mr. Asher Tiemann


Ms. Rachael Waldvogel

Enrollment Manager

Our Board of Trustees, comprised of School parents, grandparents, educators, and community leaders, is actively involved in providing vision and oversight to School leadership. The Board meets bi-monthly and works to uphold the essential mission, guard the vision and values, and develop a long-term strategy for Geneva School.

Alex Ray


Camille Kampouris

Secretary (GP'13, '16, '26)

Joseph Rotondo


Lucy Chang

(P'29, '32)

Bren Hall


Edward Morgan

(GP'16, '18, '25, '34, '35)

Carolyn Parlato

Rim An Hinckley

Founder and Head of School, ex officio (P'14, '16)

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