Geneva School is committed to the safety and security of our students, families, faculty, and staff. We adhere to federal, state, and local recommendations and laws and seek advice from our pediatrician medical consultant where necessary. We are unwavering in our goal to provide a rich classical Christian education and to sustain the strength of our School community.
On-Campus Safety Requirements
The following summarizes the safety procedures and recommendations in place to minimize risk of exposure:
1. Maintain safe classroom space
2. Maintain a safe building space
3. Promote a safe workplace for School personnel
4. Avoid students mixing outside of classroom
5. Promote health checks
6. Encourage limited interactions outside of school
Travel-Related Self-Quarantine Requirements
We adhere to the New York State COVID-19 Travel Advisory.
COVID-19 Screening and Reporting
Parents are the first line of defense. If symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are present, the child needs to be kept at home. Symptoms include: presence of fever (100°F and above), chills, muscle aches, cough, new onset loss of smell or taste, and shortness of breath.
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and staff will not report to School if they have any symptoms.
Access to the School building will be limited and will require screening. Visitors will be screened for symptoms, possible contact with anyone with COVID-19, and travel exposure.
A positive confirmed case will trigger an investigation by NYC Test + Trace and DOHMH to determine close contacts within the School. The School will communicate to families and students once a case is confirmed, observing privacy protocols.
School Attendance and Closing
If a student has been diagnosed with COVID:
If a student has a family member diagnosed with COVID:
School closures will take place at the discretion of the Head of School, Division Heads, and the Board. We will follow State and local authorities and best practices from peer institutions. In the event School closes down, we will enter into Distance Learning for at least 10 days. School will reopen post investigation.
If a student has been diagnosed with COVID:
Distance Learning
Geneva School will employ Distance Learning to educate students while they are not physically present at School. Instruction is provided through live interactive classes, self-paced study, and homework. Dedicated faculty oversees our Distance Learning students. Preschool and Lower School Distance Learning students have daily Zoom classes covering the same content as their On-Campus cohorts. Upper School Distance Learning students receive instruction through pre-recorded videos and daily Zoom sessions.
The School provides Distance Learning to students through two platforms:
Using Zoom and Google Classroom, we continue to inspire students to love God and love learning. The dedication, creativity, and affection of our faculty for their students mirror God's tender love for his children. Daily lessons are rigorous and include all subjects without sacrificing any content.
Here are sample lessons:
If a student has a family member diagnosed with COVID:
School closures will take place at the discretion of the Head of School, Division Heads, and the Board. We will follow State and local authorities and best practices from peer institutions. In the event School closes down, we will enter into Distance Learning for at least 10 days. School will reopen post investigation.
If a student has been diagnosed with COVID:
COVID has not robbed us of our pedagogical convictions. We still have the same amazing students and the same full-of-life classrooms with interactive, engaging lessons. The modifications we have made are simple. Students adapted to many of these modifications even before returning to school—wearing face coverings, keeping extra distance from friends, and regularly washing hands. Although we long to return to the days when students enter class without masks and can embrace their friends without hesitation, we are delighted that a joyful education is still possible."
Tessa Tiemann
Head of Preschool and Lower School